Thursday, July 23, 2009

Laundering may kasher table-cloths but not money

"The Holy Rav, our master Menachem Mendel (of Rimnov) commented about the curious sight that we often see children who in their youth go to school and continually learn Torah, and daven with kavanah, and answer "Amen, yehei Shmei rabba" and Amen, and are upright in their ways. Afterwards, when they grow up, their behaviour reverses, chas v'Shalom, with diminished middos, neglecting Torah, Prayer, and so forth...the Torah which they learned in their youth, breath in which there is no sin (Shabbos 119b), would be suitable to establish them, and add strength to their neshamas, since a mitzvah leads to another mitzvah.

Regarding this he said, "This is because of their fathers who feed them stolen money which they enriched themselves through unfaithful commerce, and fattened themselves in violation of halachah...and in this way they descend into desire and degraded middos."

From his Holy words it is established, that also with food which is inherently kosher, except that it was acquired with money which isn't acquired in an upright manner and lacking in emunah. The power of the act enters the product, and the food goes from the side of kedushah and descends and degrades himself into desires and poor midos, rachmana litzlan. "

The Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe zy'a, Shefa Chaim, Chumash Rashi Shiur, parshas Nasso 5742, page 395.

**Brought because it's an inyana d'yoma, but not to render judgment on any particular incident.

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